Stormy weather and apples looking like they will be windfalls soon, so I picked the harvest off my James Grieve tree.
Seventeen good apples this year. Apple crumble tonight with the four that have small blemishes and the rest into store, wrapped in paper towels and contained in a paper carrier bag. They are in the summer house assuming it's not going to be very hot any more!
The Lord Derby apples were picked a few days later. Its first harvest was 4 apples and one left for the wasps. (They had already started.) The four apples made a good apple pie to go with sausages for an evening meal.
Update: By 26th August the James Grieves were not looking like they store very well so they became a part of this year's chutney. It's apple and blackberry chutney this year with blackberries from the garden and apples from ours and David's gardens. It is already being eaten, going well with cheese sandwiches!